Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fishing point, St Anthony

20080419_99_1, originally uploaded by Iman Ghaderi.

Yesterday I met a local man at the fishing point. Every day, many people drive to this point to watch the ocean and floating icebergs with their binoculars. Here people are very open and friendly. They easily approach you to chat. We nodded to each other. He was looking through his binocular and told me to take a look. There was a huge iceberg in horizon. He talked about the behaviors of icebergs and the time one may see them. Then we talked about St Anthony and its nature. We both agreed that it is fascinating. He went on talking about life and the value of moments and how most people are in rush and do not enjoy their lives. I found him very articulate and wise. I asked him about his profession and education. He introduced himself as an average guy who wished to have a wise mentor when he was young to avoid mistakes he made in his life. I enjoyed talking to this local man. It has been a long time that I did not have such a thought provoking conversation with a person I did not know. I feel that I know these people for a long time!

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