Sunday, April 27, 2008

L'Anse Aux Meadows

20080426_14, originally uploaded by Iman Ghaderi.

Yesterday, I visited L'Anse Aux Meadows. Originally, a french name "L'Anse aux Meduses," meaning "Jellyfish Bay."!
"L'Anse aux Meadows is the only known Norse site in North America outside of Greenland, represents the farthest known extent of European exploration and settlement of the New World before the voyages of Christopher Columbus and John Cabot almost 500 years later, and is the only genuine evidence of pre-Columbian contact between the New and Old Worlds."

I think that Norwegian can claim that they discovered "America". The question is if they knew that they were the first people! The site will be open in June, Tourist season. I heard that they serve you sea foods and they dress in viking custom! maybe some Pinnekjøtt :))

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